Jepp. I dag fremførte alle i klassen sine fantastiske fabler i engelsken. Jeg, Mari og Herman har skrevet detta:
Once upon a time, by the lake
There lived a very ugly snake
Very lonely, yes he was
But to get a wife he had to floss
His skin was flaky, his teeth were yellow
In fact he was a nasty fellow
Alone he had lived all of his life
Now he wanted to get a wife
He needed to get laid, oh so bad
He started to get insanely mad
He asked the popular lady whale
If she wanted to spank his tail
She said “Hell no!
I refuse to do so”
Then he asked the sexy bear
If she gently his ring would wear
She said “Sorry, but no
You’re ugly and I’m not a hoe!”
The snake, poor thing, just kept on crawling
And down the hill he started falling
There he saw a beautiful snake
It reminded him of Ricki Lake
He tried to speak, but could only mumble
Suddenly he felt so very humble
She saw past his ugly scale
And saw a very beautiful male.
Into the sunset they went
To find a house they could rent
She wanted to wear his ring
Because to her, he was the most beautiful thing!
Var ikke den flott?!!? Vi hadde med litt dramatisering og greier =) Vi skal faktisk fremføre denne fablen for en annen klasse! Hoff, det blir skummelt! Men jeg satser på at det går bra!